

Therapeutic Hijamah/Cupping could be done once or more and it all depends on the condition and vary from person to another. In most cases a series of sessions are needed to complete the healing round .

  • What do I do before Cupping/Hijama?
  • What do I do after cupping/Hijama?
  • What is Hijama?
What do I do before Cupping/Hijama?
  • A person with cold , fever, or nasal congestion should avoid Cupping .
  • Avoid eating at least 2 hours before Cupping .
  • Cupping is not recommended for person undergoing Hemodialysis.
  • Cupping is not recommended for person with a cardiac pacemaker.
  • Cupping is not for person on anticoagulant therapy unless they stop taking the medications for at least 3 days and it is done with high caution .
  • Cupping is not recommended for a tired person until he becomes rested .
  • Cupping is prohibited in case of severe starvation or severe satiation.
  • Intercourse is best avoided one day and a night before Cupping.
What do I do after cupping/Hijama?
  • Rest and minimal effort exertion for 2 days after Cupping
  • Intercourse is best avoided one day and a night after Cupping
  • Intake of sugary foods or beverages ( preferred to be dates or honey)
  • Alcohol, drugs, and smoking should be avoided.
  • Intake of very cold fluids should be avoided 24 hours.
  • Treated areas of body should be covered and not exposed to cold air.
  • Salty and spicy foods should be avoided at least 3 hours after Cupping.
  • Feeling feverish in the following 24 hours after doing Cupping is probable, usual, and will resolve quickly and spontaneously.
  • Nausea or diarrhea after doing Cupping on the back of the body is usual.
  • Fruits and vegetables are recommended. Intake of food with high amount of fats should be avoided for 24 hours since it is hard to be digested.
What is Hijama?

Hijama or Hijamah is the Arabic translation of cupping.

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